EU Extends Customs and Tax Assistance Project in Western Balkans

May 12 2009 - 16:17

European Union’s project called Technical Assistance to Customs and Tax Administrations (TACTA) for the West Balkan countries has recently been extended until the end of August 2009.

The project, which officially started on April 4, 2008, is led by the Italian Customs and is funded by the European Commission.

As explained by TACTA Project Director Natalina Cea, the general objectives of the project are: to harmonize the customs and tax legislation and procedures with those in the EU; to establish well functioning and accountable customs and tax administrations, and to strengthen and modernize the national enforcement of customs legislation and procedures; to support legal trade; to enhance institutional capacity of beneficiary countries; and to promote regional cooperation.

TACTA teams and work plans were set up for each beneficiary country. The team leaders and staff implementing this project comprise customs and tax experts, who closely cooperate with national customs and tax administrations, and provide them with the necessary IT and expert support, such as study visits, training, workshops and seminars.

For more information, please contact Jovana Miočinović in our Balkan Regional Office.

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