Macedonian PTO to Host UNECE Seminar on Management of IP Rights

Mar 26 2009 - 18:11

The Macedonian State Office of Industrial Property will host a sub-regional capacity-building seminar on the management and enforcement of intellectual property rights on April 1 – 3, 2009.

The seminar is jointly organized by the Team of Specialists on Intellectual Property (ToS-IP) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and the Macedonian State Office of Industrial Property.

Mihajlo Zatezalo, head of the SD PETOSEVIC Balkan Regional Office, will be one of the key note speakers at the event, and will deliver a lecture entitled “Anti-Counterfeiting in the Balkan Region”.

According to the UNECE, the goal of the seminar is to outline good practices in the management of intellectual property rights in relation to the commercialization of public research results. Participants will also discuss the enforcement of the existing intellectual property rights through border measures and market inspections.

The event will gather high-level representatives of intellectual property offices, relevant ministries and academic institutions from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

For more information, please contact Tatjana Nakevska in our Macedonia Office.

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