9 PETOŠEVIĆ People on INTA Committees for 2024-2025

Nov 30 2023 - 00:00

We are pleased to announce that 9 people from 7 PETOŠEVIĆ offices will be serving on INTA committees during the 2024-2025 term. We strive to be active INTA members and are thrilled that this is reflected in our committee presence over the next two years.

After one term as Co-Chair of the Judicial Administration and Trademark Litigation Subcommittee of the Enforcement Committee, Associate Mayya Pak was appointed Chair of the General Trademark Enforcement Matters Subcommittee of the Enforcement Committee, which develops and advocates INTA policy on the enforcement of trademarks and business identifiers.

Azerbaijan Head of Office Igor Alfiorov has been appointed Co-Chair of the INTA Europe Global Advisory Council, whose role is to advise INTA leadership on the implementation of INTA’s strategic plan in Europe.

Below is a list of our INTA committee members:

  1. Dimitar Batakliev – Bulgaria – International Amicus Committee
  2. Aliya Madiyarova – Kazakhstan – Building Bridges Committee
  3. Mayya Pak – Luxembourg – Enforcement Committee
  4. Slobodan Petošević – Luxembourg – Designs Committee
  5. Aura Campeanu – Romania – Building Bridges Committee
  6. Mara Marinescu – Romania – Enforcement Committee
  7. Predrag Anokić – Serbia – Trademark Office Practices Committee
  8. Igor Alfiorov – Azerbaijan – Legislation and Regulation Committee
  9. Natalia Stetsenko – Ukraine – INTA Bulletins Committee
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