Croatian Customs Destroy 1,000 Counterfeit WWE Pencil Cases and Seize Counterfeit Perfumes

Nov 24 2009 - 10:51

On November 3, 2009, the Croatian Customs destroyed 1,000 pencil cases containing counterfeit goods bearing the mark of World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc.

The goods were mechanically destroyed in the Customs warehouse.

In addition, on October 27, 2009, the Customs seized 45,892 counterfeit perfumes, including 4,434 perfume bottles bearing the mark of Armani.

The perfumes were seized at the Bajakovo border crossing on the border with Serbia. They were found in a truck belonging to Turkish transporter “Aday Trans”, and were intended for the Tryptik SARL company in Paris.

For more information please contact Ancica Juricic at our Croatia office.

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