Macedonian Government Adopts a Three-Year IP Strategy

Sep 25 2009 - 16:35

On September 7, 2009, the Macedonian government adopted the National Strategy on Intellectual Property 2009 – 2012, as well as the Action Plan for its implementation.

“The strategy is significant to the improvement of Macedonia’s economy from the aspect of respecting intellectual property rights and competitiveness, thus assisting in the improvement of product quality and protection of consumer rights,” said Fatmir Besimi, Macedonia’s economy minister, after meeting with the Director of the Intellectual Property Office Safet Emruli. Besami expects that the strategy implementation would stimulate foreign direct investments and entrepreneurship in Macedonia.

According to Emruli, the strategy should improve efficiency in the fight against piracy and counterfeits. “The strategy supports Government’s policies for eradication of piracy and counterfeits, which have a negative effect on the country’s economy, state revenues and people’s health, but also represent an obstacle to foreign investments,” Emruli, stated.

For more information, please contact Tatjana Nakevska in our Macedonia Office.

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