Romania Destroys 150,000 Pirated CDs, DVDs and VHS Tapes

May 12 2009 - 16:21

To mark the Intellectual Property Day on April 26, 2009, the Romanian Copyright Office organized a public destruction of approximately 150,000 pirated CDs, DVDs and VHS cassettes with music, films and computer programs in downtown Bucharest.

Officials also destroyed approximately 200 hardware items. The value of destroyed goods was estimated at about EUR 238,000 (USD 319,044). The goods were seized from more than 1,000 persons who had produced or marketed them.

This was the seventh year that the Romanian Copyright Office celebrated the Intellectual Property Day by publicly destroying counterfeit goods.

On the same occasion, the Romanian Patent and Trademark Office issued the certificate for the 100,000th trademark registered in Romania.

The certificate was presented to the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca during a ceremony held at the PTO headquarters.

For more information, please contact Roxana Sârghi in our Romania office.

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