PETOŠEVIĆ Highly Ranked by WTR 1000 in 2020

Mar 3 2020 - 15:17

World Trademark Review has recently published its annual WTR 1000 directory identifying the world’s leading trademark professionals. Seven PETOŠEVIĆ offices and 12 practitioners have been recognized.

Our offices have been ranked as follows:

Albania — Recommended as one of the top IP firms
Bulgaria — Silver band
Croatia — Gold band
Romania — Enforcement and Litigation – Silver band; Prosecution and Strategy – Silver Band
Serbia — Gold band
Slovenia — Silver band
Ukraine — Silver band

PETOŠEVIĆ practitioners recognized by WTR 1000 are Predrag Anokić, Dimitar Batakliev, Aura Campeanu, Balázs Csányi, Ivan Kos, Tatyana Kulikova, Vladimir Nika, Dina Petošević, Slobodan Petošević, Anamarija Stančić Petrović, Mihajlo Zatezalo and Mirjana Živković.

For more information and to read client testimonials about PETOŠEVIĆ and our team, visit our Awards page.

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