IP Stars Ranks PETOŠEVIĆ In Six Jurisdictions

Apr 2 2018 - 12:43

MIP’s IP Stars Trademark and Patent Rankings were recently published, recognizing PETOŠEVIĆ offices for outstanding work in six jurisdictions.

The IP Stars guide is published by Managing Intellectual Property (MIP), a well-respected publisher in the IP industry.

The results feature firms ranked according to practice areas in different tiers, as highly recommended, or recommended. The number of tiers varies by jurisdiction, while in smaller countries rankings are not divided into practice areas and sub-practice areas.

PETOŠEVIĆ was ranked as follows:

Bulgaria — Trademark — Notable Firm
Croatia — Intellectual property — Recommended
Romania — Trademark prosecution — Tier 2
Romania — Patent prosecution — Recommended
Serbia — Intellectual Property — Highly Recommended
Slovenia — Intellectual property — Recommended
Ukraine — Trademark — Tier 3

For more information and to read testimonials about PETOŠEVIĆ and our team, please visit our Awards page.

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