54 Dionisie Lupu, 2nd floor
Sector 1, 010458 Bucharest
Aura Campeanu
- Head of Office - Romania
- Trademark, Patent and Design Attorney
- European Trademark and Design Attorney
Country Facts
- Population
- 21,457,116
- Languages
- Romanian
- Religions
- Romanian Orthodox, Roman Catholic
Related News
- Romania Amends Trademark Law 29 December 2022
- New Implementing Regulations of the Trademark Law Enter into Force in Romania 3 November 2022
- Romania Implements SPC Manufacturing Waiver 3 October 2022

International Conventions
Paris Convention, WIPO, Patent Cooperation Treaty, European Patent Convention, Madrid Agreement, Berne Convention (Copyright), GATT/WTO Agreement, Locarno Agreement (Industrial Designs), Nice Agreement, Madrid Protocol, Hague Agreement (Industrial Designs), Strasbourg Agreement, Vienna Agreement, Rome Convention, Trademark Law Treaty (TLT), Budapest Treaty, UPOV Convention, WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT), WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) Lisbon Agreement, Singapore Treaty, Patent Law Treaty (PLT), Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances (BTAP), Phonograms Convention, Nairobi Treaty (NOS)
Minimal Filing Requirements
Patent Applications
- Applicant data
- Name, address and occupation of the inventor
- Priority application data
- Patent specification and claims
Trade/Service Mark Applications
- Applicant data
- Priority application data
- List of goods/services
- Representation of the mark (in color, if claimed)
Industrial Design Applications
- Applicant data
- Priority application data
- Design title
- Novel elements description
- Designation of products
- Author’s name
- At least one representation of the design or model
All other documents may be filed subsequently. Powers of attorney and declarations need not be legalized or notarized unless requested by the Patent and Trademark Office.
Some documents may require translation to Romanian.