Russian Gangs Make Millions by Selling Fake Tamiflu Online

Dec 22 2009 - 15:11

An investigation by the British security company Sophos has revealed that Russian cyber criminals are making millions of dollars by selling counterfeit Tamiflu online.

Bogus online pharmacies, with names such as Canadian Pharmacy or European Pharmacy, carry forged copies of certificates guaranteeing authenticity. The Russian gangs are marketing their products by sending billions of spam messages selling Tamiflu, and other drugs.

In addition to paying money for useless or even dangerous drugs, the investigators say that customers are putting themselves at risk of identity fraud.

Sophos has discovered that the top five countries purchasing counterfeit Tamiflu are the United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada and France and that cyber criminals make between EUR 11,240 (USD 16,386) and EUR 67,442 (USD 98,338) a day.

For more information, please contact Jelena Jankovic in our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: Times Online

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