Bulgarian Company Fined for Trade Dress Infringement and Unfair Competition

Dec 22 2009 - 14:47

Bulgaria’s Commission for Unfair Competition has fined a Sofia-based food and beverage producer with EUR 277,498 (USD 409,893) for copying its competitor’s packaging.

The plaintiff, Kendy Ltd., claimed that the defendant, Eurostock Ltd., designed the packaging for its seasoning product under the brand name Delicatina as a copy of plaintiff’s Picantina packaging, a long-established brand on the Bulgarian market.

The Commission has ruled that the defendant deliberately copied plaintiff’s packaging in order to better promote its product and that the similarities were sufficient to mislead consumers into believing that the two products are different versions of the same brand.

For more information, please contact Milena Bogoslovova in our Bulgaria office.

Source: Novinite.com (Sofia News Agency)

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