Croatia Ratified European Patent Convention

Oct 11 2007 - 00:52

The Croatian Parliament has passed the Law on Ratification of the Convention for Grant of the European Patents (EPC) and the Act on Agreement on the Application of Article 65 of the Convention for the Grant of the European Patents. The laws were published on July 18, 2007 in the Official Gazette No. 8/2007 and came into force on July 26, 2007.

The implementation of the Law on Application on Amendments to Article 65 of the EPC shall be the responsibility of the administrative body competent for intellectual property matters.

By ratification of the European Patent Convention, Croatia has fulfilled basic conditions for becoming a full member of the European Patent Organization. Namely, upon signing of the Extension Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the European Patent Organization, Croatia has participated in the European Patent System since April 1, 2004, from which date it was possible to extend European Patents to Croatia.

After reaching the full-member status, Croatia will become an active participant in further developments of the European Patent System. At the same time, Croatian entities and individuals will be able to obtain a European Patent through a more simplified procedure.

Croatia will achieve the full-member status after depositing the instrument of ratification with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, which is expected in the near future.

For more information please contact Anamarija Stancic at SD PETOSEVIC Croatia.

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