Amendments to Trademark Law of Georgia entered into force on March 1, 2006

Jul 7 2006 - 00:56

Georgia has amended its laws on the renewal of trademark registrations.

According to the new law, the renewal application could be filed during the last year of the registration. Previously, trademark owners were allowed to file for renewal only during the last 6 months of the registration.

The new law continues to provide a 6-month grace period. Failure to file the renewal application by the end of the 6-month grace period will result in the cancellation and expiration of the registration.

Please note that the new law abolished an additional 6-month term, following the expiration of the 6-month grace period, during which the trademark owners could file a renewal application with a late payment fee.

For more information, please contact Ignacio Lazaro in our Brussels office.

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