Viktoriia Smyrnova Presents at PTMG Autumn Conference
PETOŠEVIĆ Ukraine Associate Viktoriia Smyrnova held a presentation on IP developments and issues in Eastern Europe in uncertain times, during the recent Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group (PTMG) Autumn Conference held in Lisbon, Portugal in early October.
The presentation was attended by around 300 conference participants, including PETOŠEVIĆ Ukraine Associate Igor Alfiorov. Viktoriia gave an overview of the events that have taken place after the dissolution of the former USSR, including the creation of the Commonwealth of the Independent States (CIS) and the establishment of the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Viktoriia then compared the Eurasian, European and international trademark and design systems, with a particular focus on the pharmaceutical market.
For more information, please contact Viktoriia Smyrnova at our Ukraine office.
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