Kazakh IPO Amends Official Fees

Oct 3 2022 - 15:02

The Kazakh Intellectual Property Office has introduced amendments to certain official fees, which entered into force on September 19, 2022.

The trademark registration fee, which ensures protection for a period of 10 years, now only covers up to three classes of goods/services, and not all classes applied for, as previously. Each additional class over three now implies an additional fee of EUR 21.

Following recent amendments to IP laws which provide for the extension of the industrial design protection term for an additional five-year period (for a total maximum term of 25 years, as opposed to the previous total maximum of 20 years), the IPO introduced a maintenance fee for years 21-25 of the protection term, the amount of which is the same as the fee amount for years 16-20.

Finally, the IPO amended the fee payable for recording a name/address change regarding registered IP rights by excluding the wording “fee per each change”. IP right holders will now pay only one fee to record all changes to a registered IP right. However, when recording changes to applications there is still a fee for each change separately.

By: Aliya Madiyarova

For more information, please contact Aliya Madiyarova at our Kazakhstan office.

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