More Design and Trademark Applications in Hungary in 2021

Jun 30 2022 - 15:31

The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO) recently published its annual report for 2021, which shows a substantial increase in the number of national trademark, design and plant variety applications. The number of national patent applications remains steady, while the number of utility model applications has decreased.

The number of national applications for designs and trademarks increased by 65.2% and 5.1%, respectively. In the past decade, HIPO only received more trademark applications in 2012.

On a less positive note, national patent applications have only shown a slight increase of 0.7% while utility model applications have decreased by 12.1%.

When it comes to international IP protection, the number of applications for European patent validations and international trademarks designating Hungary decreased by 10.5% and 4.3%, respectively, continuing last year’s downward trend.

Prepared by: Erika Farkas

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Source: Hungarian Intellectual Property Office website

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