Laws Harmonized With E.U . Laws, European Patent Convention Ratified

Jan 30 2008 - 15:26

By Anamarija Stančić Petrovic, SD PETOSEVIC Croatia-Zagreb, Published in BNA, November 2007
As part of the accession process of the Republic of Croatia into the European Union and the harmonization of Croatian legislation with the E.U. acquis communaulaire, amendments to existing intellectual property laws of Croatia came into force in August 2007.

The amendments affect Croatia’s Patent Law, Trademark Law, Law on Industrial Designs, Law on Geographical Indications and Appellation of Origin, Law on Protection of Topographies
and Semiconductors and Law on Copyright and Related Rights . The above amendments are now completely harmonized with E.U. laws in the field of intellectual property rights.

The most important change is the introduction of the appeal proceeding before the Croatian State IP Office against decisions rendered in the first-instance administrative procedure. The Appeal Board will be appointed by the Government of the Republic of Croatia and will work independently. The provisions related to the appeal proceedings are expected to come into force on June 1, 2008 . The amendments will provide more transparency in the decision rendering process in the first instance.

The above amendments also correct certain errors and further clarify existing provisions of the above-mentioned laws. The laws were published in the Official Gazette No. 76/2007 on July 23, 2007, and the Official Gazette No. 79/2007 on July 30, 2007.

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