Slovenian Customs Detained EUR 51.7 Million Worth of Counterfeits in 2018

Mar 28 2019 - 13:19

While the downward trend in the number of customs detentions in Slovenia, noted in previous years, has continued in 2018, the number of detained items and their value have increased significantly.

The number of detentions decreased from 746 in 2017 to 435 detentions in 2018, but the total number of detained infringing items increased from 194,050 in 2017 to 701,048 in 2018.

Moreover, while the total value of suspected counterfeits detained in 2017 was EUR 4 million (USD 4.52 million), the value of products detained in 2018 is EUR 51.7 million (USD 58.41 million), the highest ever estimated value of detained products in Slovenia.

The table below shows the Slovenian Customs’ statistics on the detentions of IPR infringing goods for the period 2016-2018:

2016 2017 2018
No. of infringing items 1.289,702 194,050 701,048
No. of detentions 1,089 746 435
Value in EUR (millions) 4.9 4.0 51.7

The most prevalent counterfeit goods were clothes, footwear, accessories, toys and audio/video devices. The majority of counterfeits, as in previous years, arrived by sea through the Port of Koper in southwest Slovenia and by mail. The goods arriving by sea were mostly in transit and were intended for recipients in other EU countries (Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia and Austria). The goods arriving by mail were intended for recipients in Slovenia. The majority of the detained counterfeits originated in China, Hong Kong and Turkey, while a part of them originated in Singapore and India.

Prepared by: Maja Žnidarič

For more information, please contact

Source: Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia

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