Romania Clarifies Maintenance and Registration Policy for .ro Domains

Feb 1 2018 - 10:54

Following the recent introduction of yearly maintenance fees for .ro domains, the Romania Top Level Domain (RoTLD) registry clarified four aspects of the new policy:

  1. .ro domains can be deleted in two ways:
  • Upon request of the domain name holder who no longer wishes to renew it; or
  • Automatically, if the annual maintenance fee is not paid within 90 days from the domain expiration date.
  1. As of January 2018, .ro domain name holders are able to obtain a list of .ro domains associated with a specific email address;

  2. While the yearly maintenance fee for domains acquired directly via the RoTLD website is EUR 12 (USD 14.70) plus VAT, RoTLD-accredited registrars each set their own fee. Maintenance fee payment should be made through the registrar responsible for that domain name.

  3. Annual maintenance fee payments cannot be made before March 1, 2018.

Prepared by: Cristina Vălcăuan

For more information, please contact

Source: RoTLD — .ro Domain Registry

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