Macedonian Customs Raise Awareness about the Dangers of Counterfeits

Jun 1 2017 - 10:45

On April 24, 2017, the Macedonian Customs Office organized an event to raise consumer awareness about economic damage and health risks associated with counterfeit products.

The event is part of the “Strengthening Intellectual Property Rights” Twinning project implemented by the Danish PTO.

The event was organized at the Ramstore shopping mall in the capital of Skopje, where Macedonian customs officials presented brochures and samples of counterfeit products to visitors.

Besides customs officials, the public awareness event was also attended by Twinning project associates and representatives from different institutions and governing bodies, including the EU and the Macedonian PTO.

Prepared by: Olja Zečević

For more information, please contact

Source: Macedonian Customs

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