Expedited Examination of Trademark Applications Abrogated in Romania

Jul 31 2014 - 13:55

The expedited examination of national trademark applications and the corresponding official fee were abrogated in Romania on May 26, further to the Government Ordinance No. 28 of May 20, which amended various laws and regulations with respect to fees and taxes.

Therefore, Article 22, paragraph 2 of the Law No. 84/1998 on Trademarks and Geographical Indications, which provided for the expedited examination of trademark applications, further to the payment of the additional filing and examination fees, is no longer applicable.

The standard examination timeframe is six months from the date the application is published for opposition and observation purposes. The timeframe for expedited examination was three months from the mentioned publication date.

Prepared by: Roxana Sarghi

For more information, please contact romania@petosevic.com.

Source: Romanian legal news portal Legestart.ro

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