Law on Employee Inventions Enters into Force in Romania

Jul 31 2014 - 13:31

The provisions of the Romanian Patent Law No. 64/1991 concerning inventions created by employees have been amended further to the entering into force of the Law No. 83/2014 on the employee inventions on June 29, 2014.

The amendments aim to provide clearer definitions and provisions concerning inventions created by the employees of a legal entity, in accordance with the EU regulations.

The main changes brought by the law on the employee inventions concern the conditions that need to be met in order for inventions to be categorized as employee inventions, the mechanism of allocation of intellectual property rights to employees or employers, their rights and obligations, as well as the criteria for establishing a remuneration for employees.

The implementing regulations are to be amended by the end of August to incorporate the legislation changes.

Prepared by: Roxana Sarghi

For more information, please contact

Source: Romanian legal news portal

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