Croatia Signs Agreements with OHIM Ahead of EU Accession

Jun 27 2013 - 11:41

On May 21, 2013, at the meeting of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market’s (OHIM) Administrative Council, as a part of Croatia’s accession preparations, OHIM President Antonio Campinos and Croatian State Intellectual Property Office (CSIPO) Director Ljiljana Kuterovac signed the agreements that serve as the basis for Croatia’s full accession into the financial and technical framework of the OHIM Cooperation Fund, Convergence Program and the activities related to the Community Trademark (CTM) and the Community Design (RCD) systems.

The signed agreements will enter into force on July 1, the date of Croatia’s accession into the EU.

Croatia’s trademark data is expected to be available in OHIM’s TMview on July 1.

Prepared by: Dalibor Radovic

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