Rr. Fadil Rada
Pall. Gener 2
Shk. C, Nr. 2/1
1001 Tirana
Vladimir Nika
- Head of Office - Albania
- Trademark, Patent and Design Attorney
- European Patent Attorney
Country Facts
- Population
- 3,057,220
- Languages
- Albanian
- Religions
- Muslim, Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic
Related News
- Albania Amends Industrial Property Law 27 December 2021
- Albania Joins DesignClass 30 June 2021
- Albania Accedes to Locarno and Vienna Agreements 5 February 2019

International Conventions
Berne Convention (Copyright), Budapest Treaty, Hague Agreement (Industrial Designs), Lisbon Agreement, Locarno Agreement, International Plant Protection Convention, Paris Convention, WIPO, Patent Cooperation Treaty, Patent Law Treaty, European Patent Convention, London Agreement, Madrid Agreement, Madrid Protocol, Nice Agreement, Rome Convention, Strasbourg Agreement, UPOV Convention, Vienna Agreement, WIPO Convention, WIPO Copyright Treaty, WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty, WTO Agreement, TRIPS Agreement
Minimal Filing Requirements
Patent Applications
- Applicant data
- Name, address and occupation of the inventor
- Priority application data (if claimed)
- Patent specification and claims
Trade/Service Mark Applications
- Applicant data
- Priority application data (if claimed)
- List of goods/services
- At least one representation of the mark (in color if claimed)
Industrial Design Applications
- Applicant data
- Priority application data (if claimed)
- At least one drawing or photograph of the claimed model or design
All other documents may be filed subsequently. The required documents must either be original or notarized.
Powers of Attorney have to bear a company seal or stamp. If this is not available, they have to be notarized.
Certified translation of all documents (priority document, assignment deeds, register extracts, etc.) is required by the Albanian IPO.