“Arbun” New Trade Name for Armenian Brandy Replacing Armenian Cognac

Jun 23 2010 - 11:55

On May 20, 2010, the Armenian government approved the name “Arbun” as the new trade name for Armenian brandy. Brandy production is a major branch of Armenia’s economy. Armenian brandies are exported to over 20 countries, the Russian market being the largest.

The labels on Armenian brandies will carry both words “Brandy” and “Arbun” for a period of five years from the day the decision comes into force, to allow customers to get used to the new name. Previously, Armenian brandy was marketed as “Armenian cognac”. This move was stopped by the European Union, which recognizes Cognac as the exclusive name for brandy produced in the Cognac area of France. Therefore, the labels will say “Armenian Arbun”. The decision is in line with Armenia’s commitment under a number of international agreements.

Hrant Bagratian, the former prime minister of Armenia and the former vice president of the Yerevan Brandy Company in Armenia’s capital Yerevan, stated that Armenians have full authority to produce cognac since the French law on brandy was adopted in 1909, while the Armenians started making brandy in 1887.

Tigran Sargsyan, Armenia’s current prime minster, explained that the word “Arbun” comes from the Armenian verb “arbetsnel”, which means “to make somebody tipsy or drunk”. He stressed that this word was chosen following discussions with specialized organizations and other interested parties.

For more information, please contact Aleksandra Noveska at our Macedonia office.

Source: Yerevan Report

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